1891 Census > Search Page

The search form below allows you to search the 1891 census for Haverhill, Ashen, Barnardiston, Birdbrook, Castle Camps, Clare, Great Abington, Great Wratting, Helions Bumpstead, Hundon, Kedington, Little Wratting, Ovington, Poslingford, Risbridge Union, Shudy Camps, Steeple Bumpstead, Stoke, Stoke by Clare, Sturmer, Withersfield, Wixoe.

The original handwritten paper documents from the national census in 1891 have been painstakingly transcribed into a computer database by the Haverhill Family History Group, and converted into an on-line searchable database by Pure Energy Multimedia - Developers of Haverhill-UK. If however you see any incorrect entries, please contact us so we can correct them.

1891 Census Search


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