Businesses and MP back 'Buy Local' campaign
Wednesday, 15th May 2013.

The bestof Haverhill is promoting a Buy Local Week from June 3 to 9 to focus attention on the benefits of buying locally, for both consumers and businesses.
The core element of the Buy Local campaign is to encourage local people to do more for Haverhill and to consider the impact of their buying behaviour on the local economy.
Elaine Carr, of the bestofHaverhill, said: “We have some fantastic shops and businesses in Haverhill. It is vitally important that we actually use local shops and suppliers – in this climate it really is a case of use them or lose them.
"The purpose of the ‘Buy Local’ campaign is to remind us that where we spend our money really matters. We can’t go around complaining about what Haverhill has to offer and then shopping elsewhere.
"You can find most goods and services in town. The businesses in Haverhill need our support and commitment and that means spending our money with them.
"Look out for the Buy Local stickers, posters, flyers, balloons, shopping bags and bunting over the next few weeks.
"We will be working with some of the large employers in the area to promote Buy Local to their employees and with the Haverhill Chamber of Commerce.”
Supporting local procurement is part of the new Haverhill Chamber of Commerce manifesto which was launched in April.
Paul Donno, chairman of the Haverhill Chamber, said: “Encouraging local procurement is high on our agenda. While the ability to transact online makes life so much easier for everyone, businesses and consumers alike, there is no denying that the impact on traditional businesses has been huge.
"In many ways with the Buy Local campaign we are asking people to take a step back and to rethink how and where they are spending their money, if they spend locally it can only benefit the town.”
Local people who visit to pledge their support during Buy Local week will be entered into a daily prize draw. Every day, for seven days, five lucky supporters will win £100 to spend with a bestof local business.
West Suffolk MP and Minister for Skills Matthew Hancock has given his backing to the campaign saying: “I’m a huge supporter of local businesses, which are the backbone of a thriving town like Haverhill.
"More than half of the money spent in small retailers and especially restaurants gets returned to the local economy which benefits everyone.
"Haverhill has loads of great businesses and I would encourage everyone to take a minute to think next time they go shopping to consider local alternatives for the weekly shop or evening out.”
Business owners wishing to display a Buy Local sticker or poster, or who want to get more involved, should contact Elaine Carr via the website or call 01440 710158.
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