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New format again for next SNT public forum

Friday, 17th October 2014.

The next Safer Neighbourhood Team Public Meeting is on December 8 and a new format is being tried out.

Organisers are aiming to become more technical with the way that they ask residents to submit suggestions for consideration for new priorities and the voting of these priorities by those in the hall or those sitting at home and voting online.

For the upcoming meeting the following changes will take place, as a trial:

All suggestions for priorities must be received at the police station no later than the December 1, either by completing a special form and e-mailing it to Insp Peter Ferrie or handing it in at the police station or even attending the station and completing a form there.

Ideally, though, residents are encouraged to complete the form at WWW.HAVERHILLVOTE.CO.UK. There will be no suggestions taken on the night.

Once the suggestions have been received, they will be narrowed down to nine. These will then be put on the big screen at the meeting and on the website ready for voting on the night.

The way people vote for the final three priorities will not change for either online voters or those attending the meeting - a voting slip can be completed and placed in the ballot box.

Cllr Pat Hanlon and Roz Hendriks will then collate and count the votes and they will be announced live.

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