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Zipwire protest seems likely to be successful

Wednesday, 30th April 2014.

The level of protest at the idea of installing a zipwire among play equipment on Recreation Ground means it is likely the idea will be dropped, councillors were told last night.

Members of Haverhill Town Council heard from St Edmundsbury Borough Council's parks director Damian Parker about the recent proposals to revamp the corner of the Rec closest to the town, at a cost of £70,000.

He admitted that amount of money 'doesn't go far in this day and age', but hoped more might be forthcoming in the future.

He described the proposals as 'making the best use of the facilities'.

The existing play equipment, with a couple of additions, one of which was to be a zipwire, would be re-aligned into a circular enclosure, and this would be linked to another circular paved area in front of, and including, the bandstand.

The path upto the far corner of the Rec would be widened to allow for a cycle lane by Suffolk County Council, but it was unknown whether any lighting would be included, he said.

There had been a lot of objections to the zipwire idea from neighbours worried about noise and disturbance,so Mr Parker said they would be happy to leave it out.

Cllr Pat Hanlon asked if moving the zipwire further round the play area away from houses might help, but Mr Parker said that was 'unlikely, given the number of complaints'.

Earlier members of the public had registered some disappointment that the £70,000 would achieve so little.

Sheila Johnstone said it only amounted to moving the play area around and adding two bits of equipment. It was a lot of money and yet couldn't be described as a re-vamp.

Wendy Williams said the council appeared to be taking out more plants than they were putting in. Mr Parker agreed, in part, but said they hoped more would be replaced when funds allowed.

Cllr Maureen Byrne summed up what residents had told her about their response to the plans. They had raised dog-fouling as a major problem on the Rec, they had said they did not want the Rec enclosed in any way, nor did they want any parking allowed on it.

They would like some LED lighting so it could be crossed even when street lighting went out, and they would like some poppies sown there to commemorate the First World War.

Other members raised issues such as seating or picnic benches, relocating the fair and whether the bandstand needed any hardstanding in front of it.

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