Crowds turn out for town's Remembrance parade
Monday, 14th November 2011.

The large parade marched down High Street and Queen Street, pausing outside the council offices at Lower Downs Slade to give the salute to local dignitaries, and then made its way down Withersfield Road to the cemetery and the war memorial.
There the Act of Remembrance was carried out, led by the rector of Haverhill, the Rev Ian Finn. The Last Post was played by Tom Morgan and the Exhortation was given by Cllr Les Ager.
Leading the wreath-laying were the two mayors, St Edmundsbury's Cllr Christopher Spicer and Haverhill's Cllr Maureen Byrne, followed by the current and former MPs for the town, Matthew Hancock and Richard Spring, now Lord Risby of Haverhill.
After the ceremonies, the parade returned to the town centre and into St Mary's Church for a service of Remembrance conducted by the rector.
Music was led by Haverhill Silver Band with the church's director of music Richard Hart at the organ and St Mary's Church Choir.
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