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Anti-Virus Service

Keep viruses 100 miles away from your computer ...

Anti-VirusThere have been many new and very destructive viruses of late, and we have implemented a new anti-virus service to help protect our customers.

HavNet and Pure Energy Multimedia have teamed up to bring you a new hassle free service to protect your computers from email based viruses.

EMail Scan is designed to check your email as it passes through our mail servers BEFORE it is delivered to you. This means that you can literally keep viruses 100 miles away from your computers.

Our servers will check your email using TWO of the best anti-virus programs on the market - Sophos AND McAfee which are both kept up-to-date with the latest virus information every hour !

When a virus is detected you and the sender are notified of the event so you can be sure that important emails that are unknowingly infected will not just simply deleted, and that both you and the sender are made aware.

You should already be using anti-virus software - but is it up-to-date ? If you do already have anti-virus software then you should still consider this service as it is always up-to-date, and stops viruses BEFORE they reach you, eliminating the chance of users overiding the anti-virus software.

If you do not already have anti-virus software then this service is an absolute must.

Home Users

EmailScan is available to home users for just £39 per year - that's less than £3.50 a month!
We will supply you with a new easy-to-remember email address taking the form of and send you all the information you need to re-configure your email program - a simple 2 minute job.

Unfortunately, we cannot supply this service to AOL users, but we can offer an alternative. Email Us for more information.

Business Users

Our EmailScan service is available for just £49 per year to business users who have their own domain name. You can simply redirect email from your domain to our antivirus account. If you do not already have a domain name we can register one on your behalf for an additional £25 per year.

Unfortunately, users of SMTP mail cannot take advantage of our service, however, you can probably easliy convert you mail server to use POP mail. Email Us for more information.

Please note that some minor alterations will need to be made to the configuration of your mail program. We will supply complete documentation for you to make these changes or if you are local to Haverhill we can arrange one of our techical bods to do this for you at a one off charge of £25.

How To Order

To order our EmailScan service please send us an email stating your full contact details, including, name, address, telephone and email address. Also tell us wheteher you require our business or home service and which ISP you currently use.

Send your Email to :

We will then send you the configuration information and an invoice for one years subscription which must be paid within 7 days.

A Serious Issue

You should consider your anti-virus strategy very carefully as new viruses are appearing at a rate faster than ever before, and are often more destructive than ever before.

99% of viruses are distrubuted by email and our service protects your system from such viruses. However, you should still use anti-virus software on your computer to protect your system from viruses on floppy disk and CD's. We can recommend a number of low cost antivirus programs to complement our system. Email Us for more information.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0871 2710002 or feel free to Email Us ...

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