Mailing List
Haverhill Clubs
Below is a list of Clubs in Haverhill.
Haverhill Enterprise 2000 |
Our objectives are: To publicise and promote Haverhill in order to attract more industry and jobs to the town.
To encourage the balanced development of the community - both in terms of residential development and in the growth of cultural and recreational facilities.… Contact Terry McGerty for further information |
Tel : 01440 714277 |
1451 Sqn Air Cadets (Haverhill) |
Also referred to as the Air Training Corps, Air Cadets is the youth organisation of the Royal Air Force and is aimed at young men and women between the ages of 13 and 20.
We promote and develop an interest and knowledge in aviation, the Royal Air Force, leadership, citizenship, and being much more adventurous!
1451 Squadron meets twice a week at our headquarters in Haverhill. Our cadets use this time to learn the skills which help them during weekend activities, camps and life in general.
Our aims are set out in a Royal Warrant and approved by HM the Queen. These aims are:
• To promote and encourage a practical interest in aviation and the Royal Air Force among young people.
• To provide training which will be useful in the Services and civilian life.
• To encourage a spirit of adventure and develop qualities of leadership and good citizenship.
ATC Hut, Withersfield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 9HG |
Tel : 01440 704291 |
Mon 19:15 - 21:30 and Wed 19:15 - 21:30 |
Day Centre for the over 65s, run by Age Concern, open every Monday |
Haverhill Day Centre, Camps Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 8HB |
Tel : 07841 985795 Fax : 01473 287955 |
9:30am-3:30pm |
Aurora Sports Colts Cricket League |
This league is for Under-12 players and begins its first season in early May. At present five clubs, Acton, Ashdon, Haverhill, Hundon, and Thurlow, have entered teams and will all play against each other on a home and away basis. Local shop, Aurora Sports and Trophies, have provided generous sponsorship and equally generous discounts on cricket kit for participating players. Further details of the league, and contacts for participating clubs, can be obtained from the league secretary Chas Salmon. Contact : Chas Salmon |
Tel : 01440 786313 |
The Good News Club Thursdays 6:15 - 7:30 |
Upper Downs Slade, Camps Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 8HF |
Tel : 01440 702854 |
Sun 10:30 and 6pm |
Castle Manor Business and Enterprise School, Eastern Avenue, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 9JE |
Mob : 07884 063945 |
Mon and Thurs 7:30-9:30pm |
Castle Manor Cricket Club |
Long established team in Haverhill Midweek League. Everybody welcome |
Castle Manor School, Eastern Avenue, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 9JE |
Tel : 07972 690738 |
Chalkstone Karate Club |
Meet at the Chalkstone Community Centre Tuesdays 7pm to 9pm. first lesson free. All ages from 6 upwards welcome. one to one tuition available at no extra charge.
Contact : Steve Hart |
Tel : 07747 063981 |
Church in the Field |
Meetings are held on Sunday mornings at 10.30am at Kedington Community Centre. There are weeknight meetings in members houses and an after school club for 8 - 13yrs on Fridays at 4.15pm. Contact Brian & Jan Watts 01440 702977 or Rob Nicholas 01440 703492 |
Tel : 01440 702977 or 01440 703492 |
Eagle Wings Country & Western Dance Club |
Meets at the Leiston Centre, Haverhill on Tuesdays (7.30pm to 10.00pm), Wednesdays (8.00pm to 10.00pm) and Thursdays (8.00pm to 10.00pm) for the tuition of Western Line Dancing although a partner dance is generally included on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Contact : Carole |
Tel : 01440 705616 |
Grampian Gunners U10 Football Team |
Grampian gunners U9 football club play @ Grampian Sports & Social club. They play in the Cambridgeshire Mini League Email manager Neil |
Haverhill, Suffolk |
Tel : 01440 763000 |
Grampian Gunners Under 11's Football Club |
Grampian Gunners Under 11's is one of three teams who play at Grampian Sports and Social Club. This is our first season in the Cambridgeshire Colts League. New players are always welcome, visit our site for details. Contact : Russ Bennett |
Havac Walkers |
Meeting on Sundays outside a pub at 9.00am, 6 or 12 mile walks, 50 per walk. Membership £3 or £6 for families. Summer evening walks from 6.00pm Contact : Mrs Carol Hurrell |
Tel : 01440 702404 |
Haverhill & District Local History Centre |
Based at the Local History Centre in the Town Hall Arts Centre. Contact : Tony Turner |
Town Hall Arts Centre, High Street, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 8AR |
Tel : 01440 714962 |
Haverhill & District U3A (University of the Third Age) |
Meets on the last Tuesday of each month at 10 am at the Haverhill Town Hall Arts Centre.
Haverhill Amateur Boxing Club |
Amateur Boxing Club
For ages 9 and upwards, three qualified, CRB approved coaches, with an emphasis on training towards competetive boxing. Open Tuesdays and Thursdays 19.30 to 21.00. |
Norton road, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 |
Tel : 07955 221006 Mob : 07955 221006 |
Tuesday and Thursday 19.30 - 21.00 |
Haverhill Angling Club |
any queries please contact me on the e mail address above and not the havo address.
Contact : T A Langley |
Tel : 01440 704592 |
Haverhill Association of Voluntary Organisations |
Havo acts as an umbrella organisation for the Voluntary sector in and around Haverhill. |
HAVO, Lower down Slade, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 9HB |
Tel : 01440 714641 Fax : 01440 712506 |
Office hours 9.00am - 3.30pm. |
Haverhill Badminton Club and Haverhill Junior Badminton Club |
Adult members play at Castle Manor Academy on Tuesdays from
to Easter term time only from 7:30 to 9:30pm.
This season the club has fielded mixed doubles, mens doubles, and ladies
doubles teams in the Newmarket and South Cambs Badminton Leagues.
Feather shuttlecocks are used. New players will always be made welcome.
The Junior members play Castle Manor Academy on Tuesdays from
to Easter term time only from 6:30 -7:30pm. Beginners are welcome.
Contact us for more information.
Contact: Mary Dorney
Tel: 01787 280600
Tel : 01787 280600 |
Manor Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 0ER |
Tel : 01440 762261 |
(Seasonal) Daily10am till 10.30pm |
Haverhill Choral Society |
Haverhill Choral Society was originally founded by Daniel Gurteen in 1860, and presents concerts of choral music of all types two or three times annually, generally in the Old Independent Church or in local venues. New members, adult and junior, are always welcome and auditions are not required.
Musical Director: Jane Wright
or Roma Holmes on 01440 705692 |
Haverhill Cricket Club |
We welcome all standard of Cricketer, young or old. During season we meet at Manor Road Cricket Ground - Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. Contact : Steve Woodley |
Tel : 01440 761575 |
Haverhill Diabetes Group |
Help and support to diabetics and their carers/friends. Many speakers on various topics, not just diabetes. Meet every third Tuesday at 7.00pm Contact : D. Freeman |
Tel : 01440 706413 |
Haverhill Electronic Organ and Keyboard Club |
Open to people between 20 - 80 years old. Members meet on every second Thursday of the month between 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Concerts take place on the last Tuesday of the month between 7.30pm - 10.00pm. Admission to concerts is £2.50 for members and £3.50 for visitors. Family membership is £7.00 and singles are £5.00. Contact : Mrs Muriel Turner |
Tel : 01440 707551 |
50 Ash Grove, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 9HS |
Tel : 01440 706074 |
7 to 9pm 1st & 3rd Wed. each month |
Haverhill Harlots Female Morris Dancers |
Meet at Castle Manor Upper School on Fridays during term time only between 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Bells and sticks are provided, but please bring a sense of humour with you. Contact : Penny Lury
Tel : 07941 137752 |
We meet at Haverhill Leisure Centre every Monday: Juniors meet between 6 - 7.30pm: Seniors meet at 7.30pm - 9.00pm. Fees are £1.50 Juniors, £2.00 Seniors and £2.00 for visitors. Annual membership is £15. Judo Club is suitable for people 6 - adult. Contact : Mesa Dawn Hannah |
Tel : 01223 893466 |
Haverhill Ladies Hockey Club |
Meet at the Sports Centre. Suitable for 10+ years. Junior Training - £1.00 Adult Training - £Free Contact : Elaine Ward |
Tel : 01440 763091 |
7pm to 9pm |
Ex Service Mens Club, High Street, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 0LH |
Tel : 01440 702413 |
Haverhill Rovers |
Haverhill Rovers Football Club Contact : Steven Esdale |
Haverhill Rovers (Girls) |
Football Club for women and girls. During the winter months we meet at the Leisure Centre and in the summer we meet at Motts Field. Juniors meet on Tuesdays/Thursdays/ Fridays and Ladies meet on Tuesdays/Thursdays Contact : All ages are welcome - 8 to 80 yrs. Contact Chairman Gary Spiers on 07929206842 for further information. |
Haverhill Rugby Football Club Ltd |
Haverhill & District RFC are currently having their best season for many years being top of the Eastern Counties 4N League. A thriving social scene and hosting the TVL youth football club makes the HRFC a well rounded group activity. New members, both playing and social, are always welcome. Contact : Ian Stewart |
Castle Playing Fields , School Lane , Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 9DE |
Tel : 01440 706076 - Clubhouse 01440 702871 |
running club |
27 Caraway Road, Fulbourn, Cambridge, Cambs. CB21 5DU |
Tel : 01223 881644 Mob : 07941 265868 |
Haverhill Schools Initiative |
Haverhill Schools Initiative is a local charity which seeks to provide a live Christian perspective for schools in Haverhill and Clare. W meet every Tuesday, during term time, between 8 - 9.30pm at the 'Staying Alive' group, Methodist Church Hall, Haverhill. For school year 9 and above. Contact : Steve Watts
Tel : 01440 708194 |
Haverhill Silver Band |
National First Section Band Rehearse Wednesdays at Westfield School, Haverhill 7.30 - 9.30pm Musical director - Mark Ager New members welcome. Instruments available for suitable players. Contact : Richard Pannell 01440 761769 (secretary) Mrs Sam Keefe 01440 704106 (chairman) |
Tel : 01440 761769 - 01223 402265 (work) Fax : 01223 412178 |
Haverhill Sinfonia |
Haverhill Sinfonia is currently in its nineteenth season. You are invited to contact us now to discover how you can participate in bringing the music alive and becoming part of the orchestra’s growing band of supporters - regular Newsletters keep you in touch. Contact : Deena Shypitka |
8 Templars Court, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 9AJ |
Tel : 01440 763799 |
Leisure Centre, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 OER |
Tel : 01440 702548 Mob : 07906 814108 |
Haverhill Youth Band |
Now has over twenty members of varying standard learning in a 'fun' environment. Musical director - Diane Pannell
Some instruments available Playing parents assisting, more will be made welcome. Rehearse Wednesdays (term-time only) at Westfield School, Haverhill
6.30-7.30 Contact : Diane Pannell 01440 761769
Tel : 01440 761769 Fax : Fax 01223 412178 |
Ipswich Town Independent Supporters Club |
7 Turner Close, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 7FZ |
Tel : 07743 171773 Mob : 07743 171773 |
Kedington Footpath and Hedge Group |
We meet at 2.00p.m. on the first Sunday each month at Kedington Community Centre car park. For further information the contact is Mr David Jefferies: Tel: 01440 714424. |
Tel : 01440 714424 |
We meet at Kedington School on Thursdays between 7.30pm - 9.30pm. If you are between 16 and 20 yrs and enjoy activities with a Scouting flavour then why not come along. Contact : Tony Farr |
Tel : 01440 704179 |
Ketton Players |
Kedington's local amateur dramatics group. We meet on a Tuesday and Thursdays evenings at the Kedington Community Centre. Our productions are now - Pantomime in December, Plays in March and July. Young players are welcome
Contact : Sue Brown |
Tel : 01440 704320 |
Lazy K Country Music Club |
The Lazy K Country Music Club meets every Sunday with live Country Music at the Grampian Sports & Social Club, Little Wratting. The Lazy K is a family club and caters for all Country Music Lovers be they listeners, line dancers or free style dancers and regardless of age. Contact : Keith |
Tel : 01440 761132 |
Mud Flaps - Christian Youth Group |
We meet on Friday afternoons between 4.15pm - 5.45pm for a mix of Christian study and social activities. We are part of Church in the Field. For further details ring Jan on 01440 702977. Contact : Jan Watts |
Tel : 01440 702977 |
Quarantine |
Haverhill Area DJ Collective. Contact : Dennis Donovan |
Haverhill, Suffolk. |
Tel : 01440 712764 Mob : 07944 512109 |
Rotary Club of Haverhill & District  |
Meet every Monday (bank holidays excluded). Venue, Haverhill Golf Club, 6.30 for 6.45pm start. Contact Robin Harman - Club Secretary |
Coupals Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 7UW |
Royal Airforces Association - Haverhill Branch |
We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm at the Air Training Corps Centre, Withersfield Road, Haverhill. Annual subscription fee is £9.50 and lifetime membership is £96.00 Contact : Ron Pearson |
Tel : 01440 705839 |
RSPCA West Suffolk Branch  |
c/o RSPCA Shop, St Andrews Street South, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. IP33 3PH |
Tel : 01284 767662 |
9.30am to 4.00pm Monday to Saturday |
Majorette activities are suitable for young people between 9 & 21 yrs. We meet at Castle Manor Upper School on Tuesdays between 5.00pm - 7.00pm and on Thursdays between 5.00pm & 8.00pm. You can expect to perform in carnivals, fetes and fun days.
Meet at Chalkstone Community Centre on Sundays between 11.00am - 12.00pm and Chalkstone Middle School on Mondays between 7.45pm - 9.15pm and Wednesdays between 7.15pm - 8.15pm. Suitable for 5 - adult. Contact : Gill Payne |
Tel : 01440 708365 |
We meet at St Mary's Bell Tower on Mondays from 7.30pm - 9.00pm. Open to 12+. Contact : A Wade |
Tel : 01440 702380 |
Stour Valley Cats Protection |
We help rescue, re-home and neuter cats Contact : Mrs Debbie Wells |
PO Box 94, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 7WY |
Tel : 01440 730096 |
daily 9am - 9 pm |
Sudbury and Haverhill Football Referees Society |
We train coach and mentor all football referees in and around Haverhill and Sudbury. Visit our web site for more details... Contact : John Sprigg |
Suffolk Family History Society - Haverhill Group  |
Meets the second Thursday of each month, usually 7.30 pm at the Old Independent Church Hall, but do please check our programme link to programme page . Visitors, including those just starting, are most welcome. Help and advice freely given on all places.
Help Sessions are held weekly Wed 2-4pm at the Library, Camps, Road, Haverhill, CB9 8HB with free guided access to, Find My Past and more. To book your place at the Library phone 01440 702638
Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 |
Tel : 01440 761653 or 01440 704157 |
See details |
For children between 5 & 13yrs to meet at a local school during the summer holidays. Contact : Heather Polley |
Tel : 01440 707529 |
Tang Soo Do Korean Martial Arts Club |
Every Tuesday (Mixed Class)
The First lesson is Free, just come along in loose clothing and bring some water.
Haverhill Instuctor: Mr Craig Phillips 2nd Dan Black Belt
Leiston Road , Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 8JJ |
Team Wilson - Hovercraft Racing |
Racing hovercrafts for a hobby is one way to get out and about for the weekends. But first you have to build one, or in this case two. And if we can so can you ! Contact : Fred Wilson |
Volunteer Centre of Haverhill and District |
Haverhill Volunteer Centre is a local voluntary organisation that exists to promote and support volunteering in Haverhill and the surroundng areas. Our office is open from 10am to 2pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Contact : Mrs Elaine Hewes |
Borough Council Offices, Lower Downs Slade, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 9HB |
Tel : 01440 708444 Fax : 01440 710760 |
West Suffolk Swimming Club |
Suffolk County Champions for the last four years and one of the most successful competitive swimming clubs in East Anglia. |
Haverhill Leisure Centre, Enringhausen Way, Haverhill. CB9 0ER |
Tel : 01359 231105 |
West Town Park |
West Town Park, also known locally as Meldham Washlands, the Floodpark, or just ‘The Res', consists of about 70 acres of damp grassland, owned by and managed by the Environment Agency. St Edmundsbury Borough Council’s park rangers assist with and some conservation management. The circular walk around the site,promotion along the raised banks, takes about 30 to 40 minutes. There is no public access around the fishing lakes, which are leased by Haverhill Angling Club. It has been designated a County Wildlife Site by the Suffolk Wildlife Trust
Withersfield Road, Opposite Sainsbury's Supermarket, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 |
West Wratting Youth Football Club  |
Youth Football Club |
West Wratting Sports Pavilion, Bull Lane, West Wratting , Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. CB21 5NP |
Tel : 01440 821844 Mob : 07769 706589 |
8 Bartlow Place, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 0AG |
Tel : 01440 763961 Mob : 07748 294518 |
24/7 |
2nd Haverhill Sea Scout Troop |
Tel : 01440 762437 |
19:30 til 21:30 every Wednesday |
Samuel Ward Academy, Chalkstone Way, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 0LD |
Tel : 01954 200587 Mob : 07816 032265 |
Tuesday & Friday, 6.30 - 8.30pm |
Tel : 01440 714329 |
92 Abbotts Road, Hales Barn, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 0DH |
Tel : 01440 704269 Mob : 07929 450402 |
07:00 to 18:00 |
Bury St Edmunds Golf Club  |
Tut Hill, Fornham All Saints, Haverhill, Suffolk. IP28 6LG |
Tel : 01284 755979 |
The Mobile, Castle Camps Primary School, Bartlow Road, Castle Camps, Cambridgeshire. CB21 4SX |
Tel : 01799 584428 Mob : 07796 292982 - term time only |
Meetings at:, Bell Hotel, Market Hill, Clare, Suffolk. |
Tel : 01440 785256 (Sue Eaton Hon.Sec.) |
The Scout Hut, Clare Country Park, Maltings Lane, Clare, Suffolk,. CO10 |
Tel : 01440 706822 |
The Scout Hut, Clare Country Park, Maltings Lane, Clare, Suffolk. |
Tel : 01440 704718 |
Cleves Place & Cleves Club  |
Millfields Way, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 0JB |
Tel : 03332 207 623 |
Tel : 01440 704704 |
Northgate Arts Centre, Sidegate Lane West, Ipswich, Suffolk. IP4 3DF |
Tel : 01473 639230 |
Stonebridge Farm, Kedington, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 7QT |
Tel : 01440 714204 Fax : 01440 714077 |
Ridgewell Airfield, Ashen, Nr Sudbury, Suffolk. CO10 8JU |
Tel : 01440 785103 |
Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday - 10:00 to 18:00 (variable) |
LAMP H Centre, Colne Vally Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. |
Tel : 01440 762515 |
Room 6, Heazeworth House, 17 - 19 Hamlet road, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 8EE |
Tel : 01440 762061 Mob : 07970 669409 |
Haverhill & District Flower Club |
Haverhill & District Model Flying Club |
Tel : 01440 705963 |
Tel : 01440 762740 |
Haverhill Crime Prevention Panel |
Tel : 01440 703270 |
Various |
44 Betony walk, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 7YB |
Tel : 01440 762350 |
Evening & Weekend rides |
Haverhill Ex-Servicemens Club  |
Quakers Lane, ( off the High Street ), Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 8AU |
Tel : 01440 702337 Mob : 07825 810121 |
12.00 - 1pm |
Haverhill Gymnastics Club |
c/o Abbey Croft leisure Centre , Ehringshausen Way, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 0ER |
Tel : 01440 712435 Mob : 07884 182560 |
Mondays 4.30 till 5.30. 5.30 till 6.30. Tuesdays 4 till 5. 5 till 6. Fridays. Pre school 10 till 11. Saturdays 9 till 9.45. 10 till 11. 11 till 12. 1.45 till 2.45. |
Haverhill Ladies Netball Club |
Samuel ward Sports Dome, Chalkstone Way, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 0LD |
Mob : 0772 5534695 |
Haverhill Old Age Pensioners Association |
Tel : 01440 703504 |
Tel : 01440 761333 Fax : 01440 761355 |
School Lane, Haverhill, Suffolk. |
Tel : 01440 702871 |
Haverhill School of Speech & Drama |
32 Mount Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 8ED |
Tel : 01440 714648 |
Saturday Morning in Dance Studio 2, Haverhill Leisure Centre |
Chalkstone Way, Haverhill, Suffolk |
Tel : 01440 707774 Fax : 01440 712214 |
Haverhill Spiritualist Centre |
Chalkstone Community Centre, Millfields Way, Haverhill, Suffolk. |
Tel : 01440 707388 |
Every fortnight 7.30 pm ring for details |
Haverhill Table Tennis Club  |
I am starting a table tennis club in, , Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 9SA |
Mob : 07429 109659 |
Thursday 19:00 to 21:00 |
Tel : 01440 703279 |
Tel : 01440 730034 |
Tel : 01440 786850 |
Tel : 01440 762115 |
LAMP H Parent and Toddler Group |
LAMP H Centre, Colne Vally Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. |
Tel : 01440 762515 |
Little wonders pre-school  |
Westfield CP School, manor road, Haverhill, Suffolk |
Tel : 07760 133137 |
9 -3, am, lunch ,pm sessions, |
LJ's American Line Dance Club |
The Mount Pleasant Club, Withersfield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 9HJ |
Tel : 01440 760821 Mob : 07958788292 |
8 pm till 10 pm |
24 Water Lane, Stepple Bumpstead, Suffolk. CB9 7DS |
Methodist Church Playgroup |
Methodist Church Hall, Camps Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. |
Tel : 07887 654622 or 07884 228657 during sess |
8:45 - 11:45 and fees £4 a session |
Methodist Church Toddlers Group |
Metodist Church Hall, Camps Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. |
Tel : 01440 704666 |
Western Avenue, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 9HJ |
Tel : 01440 703422 |
Mount Pleasant Social Club |
Withersfield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 7RN |
Tel : 01440 703422 |
Paul Wilby Golf Professional |
Haverhill Golf Club, Coupals Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 7UW |
Tel : 01440 712628 |
open 7 days |
Princes Trust Volunteers - Haverhill Team |
Cangle Junction, Withersfiled Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. |
Tel : 01440 715430 Fax : 01440 715420 |
Tel : 01440 762481 |
10am -11am |
S & P Embroidery  |
Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 |
Tel : 01440 762340 Mob : 07815 156932 |
Tel : 01440 761719 |
Chalkstone Way, Haverhill, Suffolk. |
Tel : 01440 703824 |
Tel : 01440 708749 |
Sharon Medcalf School of Dance |
Tel : 01440 705827 |
Skills Development Centre |
Tel : 01223 360730 |
Thursdays from 9.30am to 4.00pm |
Various venues in Haverhill, Haverhill, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 9AW |
Tel : 07725918979 Mob : 07725918979 |
Steeple Bumpstead Parent, Baby & Toddler Group |
Tel : 01440 731706 |
Stepping Stones Under 5's  |
Coupals CP School, Chalkstone Way, Haverhill, Suffolk. CB9 0LB |
Tel : 01440 761018 Mob : 07884 270724 |
07.45 - 16.15 (+) |
Stour Valley Community School, Cavendish Road, Clare, Suffolk. CO10 8PJ |
Tel : 01787 282703 Mob : 07925 966497 |
Thursday 6.00 - 8.30pm |
Stour Valley Community School, Cavendish Road, Clare, Suffolk. CO10 8PJ |
Tel : 01787 282703 Mob : 07925 966497 |
6.00 - 8.30 Thursday evenings |
Teeny-Weeny Toddler Group |
West End Church Hall, Withersfield Road, Haverhill, Suffolk. |
Tel : 01440 707837 |
Tel : 01440 702791 |
Thurlow Bradley and District Parent & Toddler Group |
Tel : 01440 705599 Fax : |
West Suffolk Iyengar Yoga Centre |
Wash Cottage, Clare Road, Hundon, Nr Haverhill, Suffolk. CO10 8DH |
Tel : 01440 786228 |
Classes can be found on the website |
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