The Haverhill Car
Since the early 1990s, the Courier-Cadillac has been affectionately known locally as the 'Haverhill Car'. During this time it has been used as an easily-displayed, attention-getting symbol of the local talent both in engineering and general manufacture. The car has also been used as a focus for events in Haverhill, helping to get a wider range of publicity than would otherwise have been possible, on occasions even reaching the national press.
Haverhill 2000A group of members of Haverhill Enterprise 2000 pictured alongside the Courier-Cadillac when paying tribute to the local companies who helped in the production of the much acclaimed car.
As stated by a member of this group, who first brought the car to the attention of the local press: "The more the praise for this one-off 'redundant prototype', the greater is the credit to all those who created it. Long may Haverhill join in with the acclaim."
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Built By Haverhill Expertise
Because of the number of Haverhill companies that were involved in making the Courier-Cadillac, it soon became affectionately known locally as the 'Haverhill Car'. All the companies listed below must take credit for their part in the fulfilment of this complex project.
Anglia Windscreens
Austin Handling
L.T. Bodyworks
P.R. Brown
Burgess Precision Engineering
Country Custom Engineering
Delstar Engineering
E.E.C. Electrical
Felten Sheet Metal
Haverhill Joinery
Haverhill Tyre and Exhaust
Metcraft Engineering
North Street Garages
Paragon Engraving
Premier Metal
Powerdrive Systems
Taylor's Foundry
Central Cadillac (Cleveland, Ohio, USA) *
G.P. Panelcraft (Bracknell, Berkshire) *
F.M. Taylor (Burwell, Cambridgeshire) * * Denotes Non-Local to Haverhill
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